3-girlsYesterday I posted here about Policy vs. Culture.

In LifeKIDS, we have safety policies to provide a safe environment for our kids.  We also have policies regarding what is taught in our kids rooms.

Though I might have volunteers well-trained in safety policies and executing programming, without a culture of engagement the experience will lack.

Here’s why:

  • Safety policy will direct kids away from unsafe activity (i.e running in the room, wrestling, etc) but a culture of engagement draws kids into safe, fun activities.
  • Programing will ensure kids receive solid teaching but a culture of engagement ensures the teaching is done with a personal touch.
  • Policy dictates adults are in the rooms.  A culture of engagement assures those adults are connecting with their kids.

This is the lens through which I examine my ministry events for a season.  What am I missing?  How do you think a culture of engagement would affect ministry?

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