Posted originally on Orange Leaders
Can I tell you a secret?
I used to dread Sundays. Like, I really hated Sundays.
It’s an odd place to be for a leader in children’s ministry. It’s like playing on the basketball team and loving the practice yet dreading game day. I loved what I did. The vision and impact of my work always fueled me.
But Sundays felt more like Report Card Day. The day I found out just how well I did the previous six days. The day I received a grade on all my planning, communicating, and organizing for the week.
Remember report card days as a kid? I’ll never forget them. Some report cards were easy to deliver to my parents. The A’s and B’s felt light in my backpack as I floated on air all the way home. Then there were the report cards weighted down with C’s and D’s (maybe even an F!). My bag felt like a ton of bricks. I’d hand over the report card with my stomach in knots knowing the punishment in my future.
Read more here.