I think it’s fair to say this Coronavirus crazy has introduced unique challenges and opportunities for ministry leaders to navigate. As of today, some leaders are facing mandatory quarantines, while others are still suggested. Some leaders are trying to figure out how to adjust to smaller than normal worship gatherings while others are looking for remote ways to provide programming for kids and families.

Though I’d love to offer some creative solutions to the challenges you face, there are far more available to you that I would highly recommend.

You could listen to the Orange Kids Podcast Bonus episode on remote solution for kids ministry.

You could download Crossroads Church “Pandemic Guide for Professionals who Lead Kids” for tips on how to keep your people connected.

You can check out a LOAD of tools curated by Ministry Boost to help you communicate, connect and equip families in your church.

There are a ton of talented people offering their skills and expertise. And I love how crazy circumstances like a pandemic creates constraints that draw out creativity and passion for the local church.

Whether you are simply postponing physical church experiences or facing a quarantine, you may find yourself with more time than you’re accustomed to. And if you’re like me, you’re scratching your head trying to figure out what to do with it.

Though I find it challenging to offer much in this season, I can offer some words of encouragement. The funny thing is, I think these are more for me than anyone else. But you’re welcome to peak over my shoulder and read my thoughts as I challenge myself. If they help someone beyond me… all the better.

  1. Give yourself permission to enjoy this season. Sometimes NOT having a goal to chase, a meeting to attend or an agenda item to check off is a good thing. Even a healthy, soul-satisfying thing. So relax and enjoy.
  2. Have a longer conversation with a friend (while practicing social distancing, of course!) Explore more avenues of curiosity and enjoy the time without the pressure of getting to your next appointment.
  3. Rediscover a hobby. Actually for me, I just need to GET a hobby. Something that challenges the creativity, engages the heart yet winning is NOT the objective. (Okay… that one was DEFINITELY for me.)

I’m sure there are more I could add. But it’s probably smart to start small.

Happy Quarantining, my friends.

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