…teachable moment.”

That’s what I was always told. And I believed it for a long time. That’s why conversation at the dinner table looks a little like this…

Keegan: “I had the most FUN at Enrichment Class today!”

Mom: “Really, honey. Don’t talk with food in your mouth. So, what did you do?”

Keegan (swallowing): “We builded this cool tower out of these fat, flat sticks.”

Mom: “The word is ‘built’, buddy. Not builded. That’s cool. Do you mean you used tongue depressors?”

Keegan: “No, mom. They were flat, fat sticks.”

Mom (chuckling): “They are tongue depressors, son.”

Keegan: “Oh”

Everyone returns to their meal. Keegan is corrected in the proper etiquette of table manners, and the correct term for those ‘flat, fat sticks’. But we heard nothing about how the tower was built, why he enjoyed making it so much and what else he thought he could make with those ‘fat, flat sticks’.

Not every moment is a teachable moment. Sometimes you just need to let things slide. Would you enjoy talking to someone that constantly corrected you? Probably not.

Kids give you numerous opportunities to teach them.

Pace yourself.

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