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At Orange Conference 2015 I have the privilege of teaching a session on creating consistent connections for small groups.

This very topic has been a journey for me for the past several years. Trying to figure out how to create a system that connects kids and leaders within the crazy context of the weekend worship experience has been an exercise in patience, creativity and often sheer stubbornness.

I’m excited to share our experiences, the ideas that worked and the methods by which we implemented. But (as you likely know) a one-hour session simply isn’t enough to unpack this journey.

So I put together an ebook that takes you deeper into the reason we chose to rally this cause, the strategies we used to push it forward and the results we’ve experienced since.

Want to find out more?

Want to know how you can create a dynamic in your small groups that encourages families to connect more consistently?

Or how to make connecting in small groups easier for kids and volunteers?

Download your copy of Guts (and Glory) of Small Groups.

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For session notes, click here.

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