Last week during…

we discussed the 5 essentials to the Orange Philosophy.  My friend, Cathy Heitzenrater, asks a great question.

Hey Gina – How are some ways we can implement more orange strategy in churches with an Uber Simple Church structure?

This is an excellent question.  One to which many of you could contribute some excellent ideas.

So, who’s game?

How would you respond to Cathy?

Leave a comment and let’s offer up some great ideas together.

BTW… I met Cathy at the Orange Conference last year.  She’s fun.  If you want to talk to her out on Twitter, click here or friend her on Facebook, click here.  If you want to meet her in person… you have to come to the Orange Conference 2010.  You can click here to sign up.  She’ll be there.  She’ll make you smile.  🙂
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