One thing we’ve experienced so far… Covid-19 has changed the game.
One day we’re focused on recruiting volunteers, planning programming and crafting an experience that engages kids and students each week.
Today many of us are living in varying degrees of “shelter in place”. Our idea of student and children’s programming is suddenly framed within online platforms.
- Attendance is measured in clicks, likes and comments.
- Videos and hashtag challenges replace live teaching & crowd games.
- Eye contact & smiles are replaced by emojis & gifs.
It seems like the entire ministry game has changed. And how we measure the win seems slow to come into focus.
[bctt tweet=”In light of this unusual season, it’s tempting to just brace for it and focus predominantly on our online platforms. But what if there is more?” username=”gina_mcclain”]
But what if the impact of this pandemic affords an opportunity we’ve never had?
What if there are steps we can take today that build a wave of momentum for tomorrow?
Big or Small – Size Doesn’t Matter
Whether you lead a ministry of 50 or 5000, the one space we find common ground is our belief that a personal connection with a kid or student is the greatest way to help them discover a personal relationship with their Heavenly Father.
The question we face today is… in light of these circumstances, what can we do to continue to create opportunities to put a leader in the life of every kid or student?
Don’t Set It Aside
I don’t believe that question is on hold simply because we are riding out this pandemic. In fact, I believe it’s time to turn up the dial on this question.
And though the mountain may feel insurmountable, I don’t believe it is. Because the best way to climb a mountain is one step at a time.
Our Mountain is Personal Connection
In our case, our ‘mountain’ is personal connection. Personal connection with volunteers and families. In light of our “shelter in place” lifestyle, how do we create personal connection for our church?
If people’s lives are changing week by week… whether its a family member battling the virus, the loss of a job, or simply stir-crazy from being confined to their home… we don’t know what is happening, but we’ll never know unless we have a way to listen.
And our volunteer team can be our conduit of listening, hearing, praying and connecting.
Recently I shared some ideas as to why volunteer coaches are more critical today than they’ve ever been. You can read about that here. I also shared ways you can build a team of volunteer coaches if you find you need to increase yours. You can read about that here.
I’ve never been more excited for the Church and what we can learn from this season. The best truly is yet to come.
Cheering you on!
In fact, I want to help. Contact me here and let’s have a conversation.