This week I pulled together with some ministry leaders and had a Blab conversation about volunteers.

[bctt tweet=”I could sit back & limit God in my ministry by saying ‘no’ for someone. @bekabullard”]

If you’ve never blabbed before… it’s kind of fun. The video above shows the ‘Brady Bunch’ style format as each person video chats together. Check it out here.

The four leaders on this call lead in Children’s Ministry at multi-site churches in Ohio, Chicago & Tennessee. And though our multi-site contexts might look very different, our methodology in leading & building volunteer teams is remarkably similar.

[bctt tweet=”The best indicator of a strong volunteer leader is that people follow them. @sjdinardo “]

Listen in on the conversation and find out more about how these leaders navigate the world of leading volunteers. The conversation jumps right into the tricky world of social media and posting things we wish we hadn’t posted! Then see how the conversation progresses:

How do you recruit high-level volunteers? (7:53)

[bctt tweet=”A strong volunteer leader is the person willing to ask hard questions. @debbyalbrecht”]

How do you help a volunteer avoid burnout? (20:15)

[bctt tweet=”A stretched volunteer may not say they need help. @bekahbullard”]

How we empower volunteers & how we might hinder them? (27:00)

[bctt tweet=”Can your volunteers make a decision w/o you? Have you given them the opportunity? @bekabullard”]

Hear about our experience requiring parents to serve because they have kids in our ministry! (39:40)

[bctt tweet=”Require parents to serve in #kidmin? Sure! I should fix your car b/c I own one. @debbyalbrecht”]

And find out about one of the biggest personal mistake I’ve made in my 16 years of leading in ministry. (28:49)

[bctt tweet=”Only elementary age kids can appreciate my dance moves. @gina_mcclain”]

Here are the amazing people I got to chat with:

Debby Albrecht

Stacey DiNardo

Rebekah Bullard

Listen in about halfway and listen to our own confessions of how we care for ourselves!


Here are some helpful links mentioned in the video:

Jim Wideman – don’t be afraid to recruit busy people; shoulder tap successful, busy people

Are Your Sheep Okay? – We wrote an article together in Children’s Ministry Magazine on how and why we care for volunteers.

Not Normal – a book that wasn’t mentioned… but totally relevant to the discussion. A highly recommended read about leading volunteers

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