Why in the world is she thinking Summer?!? It’s November!
You’re right. But in kids & student ministry, now is the time to start planning for the summer.
Summer Camp is on the agenda. Within the next few weeks we’ll discuss registration, camp costs/budgets, & camp theme. Haven’t landed on a theme yet but seriously considering the new series from Orange’s Summer XP, Jump! Last summer we used their 8 week series, Chase the Light in place of our normal weekend curriculum (252 Basics). It was a fun break from the normal weekend routine and the kids got a lot out of it.
If you’re not thinking Summer yet… well, it should hit your agenda soon. I know things are cra-zy. They’re just as crazy at Faith Promise Church. But I’ve yet to to regret looking ahead. I always regret it when I don’t.
I’ll keep you posted on the summer fun we brew up.
I love thinking about the summer because I hate the winter. The Orange’s summer “Jump” does look interesting. Have you ever done the Life Church VBX summer program? That is intriguing to me and it’s free.
Funny enough. Yes! I was a part of LifeKIDS.tv for several years. Their curriculum is awesome and the VBX material comes highly recommended. And the fact that it’s free makes it that much better.
For those that are curious how to get your hands on that… visit LifeChurch.tv/open. The Open site is full of free kidmin curriculum. The only expense involved is your time to download. Check it out.
Thank you Gina. I knew you worked there for a while. That’s awesome. I appreciate the feedback.
I used the “Live it Out” last summer and it ended up being a great theme… will probably use Chase the Light or maybe even JUMP this summer. JUMP has a really cool theme song… not the one by Van Halen… but if we do jump, I’m sure we’ll sneak a little Halen in there for sure.