
Why in the world is she thinking Summer?!?  It’s November!

You’re right.  But in kids & student ministry, now is the time to start planning for the summer. 

Summer Camp is on the agenda.  Within the next few weeks we’ll discuss registration, camp costs/budgets, & camp theme.  Haven’t landed on a theme yet but seriously considering the new series from Orange’s Summer XP, Jump!  Last summer we used their 8 week series, Chase the Light in place of our normal weekend curriculum (252 Basics).  It was a fun break from the normal weekend routine and the kids got a lot out of it.   

If you’re not thinking Summer yet… well, it should hit your agenda soon.  I know things are cra-zy.  They’re just as crazy at Faith Promise Church.  But I’ve yet to to regret looking ahead.  I always regret it when I don’t.

I’ll keep you posted on the summer fun we brew up.

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