It’s true.

If you volunteer in kids ministry… your ask is bigger than mine.

Don’t get me wrong. I’ve got a big ask.

But yours is bigger.

How do I know?

I can prove it.

You see, I lead a ministry with a lot of kids. And I need a lot of volunteers to love those kids.

I recruit volunteers from several avenues. To name a few, I might find a new volunteer from…

…our new member class where someone wants to become an active part of our church.
(40% success rate)

…a push from the stage when my pastor mentions our kids ministry.
(15% success rate)

…people I ‘shoulder tap’ in the lobby and invite them to serve in kids ministry.
(50% success rate)

But my greatest yield has always come from volunteers recruiting volunteers.

For some reason, a volunteer’s invitation carries more weight.

When a volunteer invites a friend to serve, I have nearly 100% success placing that volunteer and retaining them.

So, when I say your ask is bigger than mine… I’m serious.

You’ve got a big ask.

Just sayin’.

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